Scarecrow Trail 2022
Theme – Favourite TV or Radio Programme
What a wonderful five scarecrow-filled days we’ve just had. And now it’s all over we just have a few thank you’s to pass on…
- To PFL Mortgages for sponsoring this year’s Scarecrow Trail
- To Duffield News, Treetops Duffield Charity Shop, Riverside Duffield and Elizas Flower Emporium for selling the Scarecrow Brochures
- To The White Hart Duffield, Angelo’s Bistro at the Kings Head, Riverside Duffield, Corn and Kale, Jeff Barber and Art of Brilliance for providing (some of!) the raffle prizes
- To The Broadway Broadcasting Collective, Lime Avenue Does Strictly and Natalie McDonald for hosting the refreshment stops and helping raise money for the Scarecrow Trail
- To Ying, Fei, Helen, Paul, Alex, April and Geoff for manning the Scarecrow Hub over the weekend.
- To Emma, Steph and Jack, Sara and Erin, Katie from Busy Bees, Kay from Croots Farm Shop & Cafe and John from Duffield Dairy for talking to BBC Radio Derby when they came to the village to see our scarecrows.
- And lastly, but most definitely not least, a huge thank you to all our wonderful scarecrow makers – without your hard work there wouldn’t be a Trail at all.
Lisa, Dawn and Jonathan – The Scarecrow Team
Scarecrow Trail 2022 Winners
Recently over 120 scarecrow makers and helpers got together at Duffield Meadows School to celebrate all our wonderful scarecrows. Along with a raffle, fun quiz and lots of tea and cake, we also announced our winning scarecrows, as voted by visitors to the Scarecrow Trail.
And so without further ado, our winners:
Most Inventive Scarecrow
Jennifer Curran (Individual / Family winner) for Bluey

Ecclesbourne Reach (Group / Business winner) for The Simpsons

Most Entertaining Scarecrow
Emma Lound for Wallace and Grommit (Individual / Family winner)

Lime Avenue Does Strictly for their Strictly Come Dancing scarecrows (Group / Business winner).

Your Favourite Scarecrow
The Singleton Family for their brilliant Strictly Come Dancing scarecrows (Individual / Family winner)

The BBC – Broadway Broadcasting Collective for their amazing BBC Music / Strawstonbury display (Group / Business winner).

Committee’s Favourites
Nicola Dalby (Individual / Family winner) for her Button Moon scarecrow, complete with viewers!

Duffield Dairy for their Minions, who welcomed everyone driving into Duffield (Group / Business winner 1)

Claire’s School Solution for The Magic Roundabout (Group / Business winner 2)

Scarecrow Trail Quiz Winners
We had a record number of entries this year, so well done to everyone who took part.
- Richie Wilsenach was our winner in the Year 2 and under category
- Evie Clay won the Year 3 to Year 6 category
- Mia Ley came first in the Year 7 and over category
- Helena Church won the adult quiz and received our quiz trophy!