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Article taken from Duffield Scene October 2024

Many villagers will be aware that the Duffield Trinity Methodist Church has closed, and without action it is likely to be sold, possibly for housing.

The Church is located near the village centre, and in addition to the main Church there is a hall with kitchen and toilets, which has been home to dancing classes and other clubs in recent years.

Some residents have kindly been permitted to park overnight by the Church, and it is used as a drop off and collection point for William Gilbert school children. The site therefore has some value to local residents and the community as a whole, especially with its proximity to the village centre for supporting parking for business.

The Church building itself is currently fitted out with pews, but it could be converted into a large hall suitable for a range of uses. It would then be the largest hall of its type in the village, except for those in schools.

Duffield Parish Council has taken steps which should slow the sale process for a few months, to buy some time to consider options. The Council is in the process of understanding the likely sale value of the site, and has commissioned a survey of the buildings.

A small working group has been formed by the Duffield Community Association, Parish Council, church members and others to understand the potential market for the facility, and in particular the large hall that could be created from the Church nave. This space is about 15m x 9m, with a high ceiling. Ideas might include fitness classes, winter training, larger meetings, concerts, plays etc.. If such a hall might meet your needs please let us know by emailing the DCA (, or phone Maggie Mathews-Higgins (07976 572225), Cllr Steve Knee (07775 752173), Chris Paynter (07488 296962) or Cllr John Shoesmith (07780 644707).

Purchasing this site would be a relatively large investment and could commit ratepayers to significant annual expenditure in the coming years if usage doesn’t cover the investment. It is important to understand whether villagers would regard the expenditure and commitment as worthwhile. The Parish Council and DCA will therefore be organising a consultation when the costs etc are clearer. Details of the consultation will be posted on the Village Network.

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